According to the CDC and OSHA reports, Every 99 minutes, a worker died from a work-related injury in 2019 in India. An estimated 28.2 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health and non-fatal workplace accidents in 2018-2019.

Some of these injuries can be prevented by using good ergonomics.

Ergonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. The Ergonomics Program provides employees with ergo-friendly solutions to a variety of work-related problems with a goal is to fit work to workers in order to make their jobs safer, more comfortable and more efficient.

Shaping Therapies has begun an Ergotherapeutics Program designed to assess, treat, educate and promote awareness of all injuries sustained at work, ranging from neck pain due to prolonged computer use to back injuries secondary to factory work.

Every medical and allied medical professions have internships within their hospital setting to facilitate practice of skills learned in the syllabus. When this experience is sought in a real world scenario- clinical settings, outpatient centers, etc. outside of the institution it is called an externship.

We at Shaping Therapies offer an extensive externship program which includes research, case study discussions, team building activities as well as community activities in addition to tailor made patient care.

Benefits of Externships:

Job experience

Understand the expectations of the market and develop values to be market ready. This will help you demand a commensurate salary and ease transitions into any setting.

Research experience

You can test the research skills you learned in your college courses in a practical setting and meaningfully contribute to the research in the field.

Access to a variety of tasks and departments.

You can gain valuable exposure to other faculties in your chosen field for example work of speech therapist, ABA trainers, Animal Assisted therapists etc.


Working as an intern may allow you to meet a potential mentor naturally and establish a relationship that helps guide your career path.

Create a professional network

Internships are a practical way to expand your job network. The professionals you will meet might be the most valuable connection to your future jobs.

Build a strong resume

This valuable job experience enables you to fill out your resume with honesty and specificity.

Secure good references and recommendations

The supervisors and mentors you meet during your internship can be a valuable reference for you in the future for both educational as well as professional goals.

5% of school going children face some kind of problems that can be mediated with the help of a shadow teacher. Schools require shadow teachers when the class teacher is unable to provide focused attention on one child out of 30 or 60 children.

Let's contribute to society by helping young minds function at their best in schools. Shaping Therapies introduces a Shadow Teaching Program.

What is it? Shadow Teaching is a professional service offered to support children with special needs in an inclusive classroom in a regular school environment.

What does the course offer?

  • Training in understanding conditions like Autism, ADHD, Learning disabilities, Visual-perceptual deficits, etc.
  • Awareness of assessments, treatment options, understanding concepts of inclusion
  • Training in assisting the children with special needs for school specific tasks

What can you achieve?

Gainful employment by parents for their children in school settings.

Congratulations on choosing a profession that services your community and the society at large. If you are an occupational therapist, speech therapist, physical therapist, remedial educator or a psychologist and want to hone your skills, familiarize yourself with real world situations, learn to interact with clients and offer tailor made solutions then come and observe BEST PRACTICES at our state of the art centre.

Benefits of completing an observership:

  • Experience real life situations in a non-hospital based setting.
  • Learn how patient care plans are made for each patient.
  • Understand documentation and its importance
  • Join discussions about diagnosis and care, experience teamwork
  • Learn about discharge processes and community impacts
  • Understand the dynamics of a business and learn management skills

By the end of your study, you will get the following :

  • A letter stating the details of your observation
  • Possibility of being absorbed into the centre and securing a job
  • Real and Mock-interview opportunities
  • A chance to participate in research groups